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The Black Cornerempty posted: 9.03
Mike Ramey Mike Ramey
by Mike Ramey,
The Manhoodline
some text

Homosexual and Lesbian lobbyists have been quite busy in the brainwashing department for a number of years when it comes to television and movies. Last year, every major television show has at least one writer of that persuasion, and many of the same shows have at least one gay character written into the script--or had the subject ‘presented’ in a ‘sympathetic’ manner. Brothers, I’ve got news for you. It is going to be more of the same in television and movies this fall.

Well, what about the Internet? Surely this matter has been rendered ‘inert’ on the good ol’ cyberspace frontier. Not so. Go to many of your favorite major league websites.

Even the ones run to service the African American cyberspace community.

Yes, there is usually a block of threads set aside to ‘discuss’ this matter. In fact, some of these discussions spill over into the ‘main’ blocks of threads, as the matter is made more PC for public discourse.

Now, I’m not going to ‘soft soap’ this issue. Homosexuality is wrong, period.

I may be ‘hated’ and criticized for my stand. However, in the words of Bill Murray from the movie “Stripes”: “That’s the facts, Jack!” And, if you want to get biblical about it (which I do), there is the constant chatter about how God, through his limitless grace and mercy, will overlook this sin…or any other sin.

Let’s be for real.

If those practicing this ‘blight’ among men and women would bother to check out the ‘fine print’ of the Bible, especially in Romans, Chapter one, they would find something very interesting. If a person chooses to overlook God’s grace and mercy, the only thing that God has left to give them is His judgment. His judgment is seldom pretty, nor is it pleasant. Just do a study on what happened at Sodom and Gomorrah in the Old Testament to see if God has changed His mind.

What I have noticed among those who claim this ‘lifestyle’ is how intolerant they are towards those who used to partake in this life, but have ‘gone public’ with how they have exited the field, and are determined not to be a part of this ‘mindset’.

Brothers, the real mark of a man--or woman--is not how they handle themselves in the fields of sunshine and rainbows; but in the fields of storms and thunder. And brother, when a former homosexual decides to ‘break ranks’ there are HOWLS of protest! Why?

Simply because they know their former group’s playbook. They know the ins, outs, and where all the bodies are buried--including those of the leadership.

Let me provide an example.

I read about a man named Steve who used to be into the homosexual lifestyle. By his public testimony, he had at least 100 different ‘sex partners’ over the course of his life. Many of his lovers, by Steve’s own admission, died from complications associated with AIDS. (By the way, there still is no cure for this disease).

Needless to say, each death made Steve do some serious thinking. Little by little, he found that the Bible stand against this lifestyle was true. He believed it, and accepted it. Then he repented of this lifestyle (repented meaning ‘turned fully away from it’), was set free by the power of Jesus Christ, and has gone on to marry a beautiful woman, and became the proud father of several children.

Now, one would think that, with all of the ‘cries’ of ‘free speech’ that we have here in the States, ol’ Steve would have an easy time of carrying his message of a better way to those whom he used to ‘hang’ with on a regular basis. Nope. No such luck.

Not only was he--and does he--continue to be hounded by those in his former lifestyle; there ARE those in his ‘new life’ that treat him as a ‘suspect’. One who has not ‘fully’ come out of where he was.

Because he doesn’t ‘scream and holler’ against those in his former life, his stance of ‘meekness’ has been wrongly mistaken for ‘weakness’. Thus, he is perplexed by those on BOTH sides who scratch their heads over ‘why’ this man refuses be ‘typecast’.

Nevertheless, Steve continues to point the way out to those who will listen.

Brothers, when God REALLY gets a hold of your life, meekness is no longer a sought-after commodity, but a desired byproduct. No longer does a man not have to ‘prove’ himself to society’s satisfaction or to the satisfaction to many of the Pharisees and Sanhedrin who infest some of our modern churches. That man can go on to being a better man by modeling his ‘liberation’, rather than focusing upon his ‘past life’.

Homosexuality does MORE than turning man into woman, and vice versa. No longer is a man guided by logic--but by feelings! In fact, if I may be so bold--Homosexuality is the best friend that feminists have ever had! It can--overnight--turn a man’s mental state from logic to feelings, and rob him of his ability to live in the freedom of his manhood.

Stop and think about this one--which I have observed at more than a few ‘Gay Pride’ marches that the mainstream media carries on television and in the papers. We see rows upon rows of men marching in the streets, proclaiming their ‘right’ to be ‘different’.

If these folk aren’t “Stuck On Stupid”, I don’t know of a better example!

To be blunt, a man doesn’t have to ‘scream and shout’ about being different. His meekness--his ability to impact by his character and actions--is what causes people to turn around and take notice of his message. They can SEE that his walk squares with his talk.

There is a commercial on our airwaves that has become a matter of great satire of late. A technician is on a cell phone, checking the ‘reach’ of his employer’s signal. He keeps saying: “Can you hear me, now?” As he moves from spot to spot. Satisfied with the quality of the reception, the technician says: “Good,” and moves on to another point in the field to continue his testing. Over the course of time, we see this guy crossing rivers; driving down the road; going from country-to-country. Always the same question/answer exchange. Pretty soon, you get the impression that this guy can pick up the signal anywhere in the world.

That’s the impression that the company WANTS you to remember.

The impression that I want to leave from this issue’s column is that I don’t have to ‘scream and shout’ my views on Homosexuality and Lesbianism. I know where I stand on these issues, and so do you. Either you agree, or disagree.

Of course, those who side with those involved in this ‘lifestyle’ will increase their shouting. They will continue to try to become more outlandish and stage even crazier antics. Adopting children and trying to ‘create’ families without women. Getting health care guaranteed for when they contact the diseases that plague this ‘lifestyle’ choice. “Heather Has Two Mommies”, and “Ronald Has Two Daddies”. Shedding their clothes for the cameras in an effort to protest about how much peace that the world needs.

Taking to the streets to ‘out’ people who don’t agree with them.

I’ll just smile, provide the logical alternatives, and rest secure in the manhood God has given me. You don’t agree with me? Fine. Take it up with management. I’m merely labor. No one has the strength or wisdom to delete what the Bible says about this issue, or any other issue.

I’ve put it on the table. You get to choose in how you will deal with it.

Like the old folks used to say: “If you are an adult, you can do what you want--but don’t expect everyone to like what you do, nor expect me to subsidize your choices.”

Also, in the words of R. G. Lee: “There is a PAYDAY, SOMEDAY!”

Can you hear what is being said, now?

MIKE RAMEY is the author of The Manhood Line. A syndicated, monthly column, written for men from a biblical, business, and common sense perspective. Emails welcome to
© 2003 Mike Ramey/Barnstorm Communications International

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