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empty Posted June 2006
Bonita Shelby

by Bonita M. W. Shelby
Kingdom Business, Inc.
Adelphi, Maryland

God Has Already Worked It Out; We Must Walk It Out!

Where no counsel [is], the people fall: but in the
multitude of counsellors [there is] safety. Proverbs 11:14

Without counsel purposes are disappointed:
but in the multitude of counsellors they are established.
Proverbs 15:22
(NOTE: In Proverbs, ‘the book of wisdom’, basically the same thing is being said in two chapters; this divine wisdom is being emphasized for a reason; take heed)

From April 2006 Article—

Collaborators-- You know that you cannot do the business alone and you don’t try to do it alone. You have team members, business builders and supporters who are running with you. Their vision and mission is tied to your vision and mission and it is a good fit.

Business Owner or Organization Leader—your answers to the following questions should help you determine whether you have the proper business support systems in place:

  1. Does the business or organization have a Board of Directors or Trustees or Advisers or similar group who are aligned with your business vision/mission and provide direction and oversight for the manifestation of the business or organization vision/mission?
  2. Do the Board members formally meet regularly and positively interact with the officers, and/or administrators or other responsible individuals of the business or organization?
  3. Are the recommendations of the Board taken seriously, addressed and resolved for the betterment of the business and manifestation of the vision/mission?
  4. Are there organizational flow charts, position descriptions and periodic position evaluations to insure that the flow of work/operations is efficient and effective?
  5. Does the business have management level officers, administrative staff or independent contractors who handle the general operations of the business?
  6. Does the business have administrative staff or independent contractors such as Virtual Assistants who handle the routine clerical and administrative tasks of the business?
  7. Does the business have operations staff or independent contractors who handle the processing of sales or delivering of services of the business?
  8. Does the business have marketing staff or independent contractors who handle the marketing and business development/building activities of the business?
  9. Does the business have financial staff or independent contractors who handle the financial operations of the business?
  10. Is the team members’--officers, administrators, staff members or independent contractors--vision/mission aligned with the business vision/mission?
  11. If you, the visionary entrepreneur or leader, are wearing multiple hats, are there plans in place to remove some of the hats in the near future?

Bonita M.W. Shelby is a Certified Public Accountant and Certified Business Manager. A graduate of Howard University, Ms. Shelby is a member of Jericho City of Praise and a Breast Cancer survivor. She helped establish the Howard University Hospital Breast Cancer Support Group. Ms. Shelby is the principal and business life coach of Kingdom Business, Inc. Responses are encouraged and for more information, I invite you to visit our website for a FREE Business Vision assessment at: or email us at or call 301-445-0398.

Copyright© 2006 by Bonita M.W. Shelby, Used by permission,

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